The Mom's Blog

Is my breastmilk sufficient?



This is the only question that will linger in your mind when you are a new mom.. If the baby cries then surely my milk is insufficient. Without doubt I am a bad mother who cannot produce milk ….








Let me tell you that 85% of mothers face this issue but doesn’t want to reveal it… Trust me, you are not the only one. 85 other mothers feel the same. And first pat your back because you are the best mom and doing whatever possible.


How can you make out that are you producing enough breastmilk milk??


Step 1. Before getting discharged from your hospital if possible see a lactation consultant who will diagnose you and help you in different ways if you are not producing enough milk.


Step 2. For most of mothers, it takes time for the breast milk to boost so in that case Frequently breastfeed / pump . Frequently means every 1.5 - 2 hrs if new born child.


Step 3. The most important thing is to keep the baby hydrated with through breastmilk / top feed. To know wether the baby is hydrated enough check their pee count. It should be minimum 8 times .. If she / he is wearing a diaper then analyze accordingly.


Step4.  It’s generally suggested to keep the baby in cotton cloth nappies in the morning for the first few days so that you understand how many times he pees..


Step 5. Keep yourself well hydrated . Have minimum 2-3 litres of water everyday in different forms. The most important is bee stress free. Stress level reduces the milk. Always thinking about how to increase the milk will actually lower your milk.


Step 6. Stay positive and breastfeed. It’s a simple formula, the more you breastfeed the more milk you will produce. The boosting of breastmilk / lactation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process.